ddmrp videos
Hear From Thought Leaders About DDMRP
Looking for Case Studies about DDMRP? Visit the Case Study Page at the Demand Driven Institute.
Forging the Demand Driven Supply Chain: A Progress Report
Industry veteran Carol Ptak talks about her journey in promoting the concept of demand-driven supply chains, why companies have failed to achieve them in the past, and why they might finally be positioned to succeed now. [Run Time (Min.): 9:53]
MRP: Is it Still Relevant?
The notion of Material Requirements Planning is more relevant today than at any time in its decades-long history, says Chad Smith of the Demand Driven Institute. However, Smith says, the rules governing many MRP programs are out of date and need to be changed to more closely reflect actualdemand. Technology tools also need to improve, he says. From the 2011 APICS International Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. [Run Time (Min.): 7:35]
Successfully Managing Volatility and Uncertainty
Carol Ptak keynotes the 2016 SCTech show in Chicago. [Run Time (Min.): 59:57]
Becoming Demand Driven in a Volatile World
Carol Ptak keynotes the 2014 SAPICS Conference in South Africa. [Run Time (Min.): 51:25]
The Science Behind Proof that Demand Driven MRP is ALWAYS Best
There is plenty of case study evidence that the Demand Driven approach to supply chain management delivers significantly superior performance compared to the ubiquitous MRP/ERP/APS approaches - in all replenishment configurations be they MTS, MTO, ATO etc. But is this enough to enable us to say the Demand Driven approach is ALWAYS best? In this session Simon Eagle demonstrates why the Demand Driven approach is, indeed, unequivocally ALWAYS best and why such case studies ALWAYS show significant supply chain performance improvements. [Run Time (Min.): 39:39]

An Introduction to Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning
Chad Smith from the Demand Driven Institute introduces the need for and basics of Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP).
Precisely Wrong - The MRP Challenge
Carol Ptak from the Demand Driven Institute demonstrates through a simple and realistic exercise just how complicated even the simplest environment can get through conventional MRP rules. You can also download the workbook slides and work the problem along with Carol. Download the presentation slides in PDF format here.